Paroles de Twelve Notes

Jack talked about how music is essentially twelve notes between any octave
Twelve notes, and the octave repeats
It's the same story, told over and over, forever
All any artist can offer the world is how they see those 12 notes. That's it. Hmm
He loved how you see them
Thank you for being here tonight to honor my husband
He wrote a song for me
I'd like to sing it for him tonight
And with your help, maybe I can
Thank you. Really, thank you.
AuteursBradley Cooper,Eric Roth,Will Fetters
Paroles certifiées par nos expertsParoles certifiées par nos experts

Traduction de Twelve Notes

Paroles en Anglais
Traduction en Français
Twelve Notes
Douze notes
AuteursBradley Cooper,Eric Roth,Will Fetters
Paroles certifiées par nos expertsParoles certifiées par nos experts