Paroles de Scene 98

[jackson & ally]
And you know why? 'Cause you're too worried about what everybody else is thinking
(Here we go!)
You can't even concentrate on one fuckin' thing, that's right
(Here we go, Jack, you want me to be your dad and be your drinking buddy?)
Yeah, you couldn't be my dad if you fuckin' tried
He had more talent in his fuckin' finger than you have in your whole fuckin' body, so don't even go there about that, all right? That's over the fuckin' line
Why don't you have another drink, and we can just get fucking drunk until we fuckin' disappear, okay? Hey, do you got those pills in your pocket?
You're just fuckin' ugly, that's all
Hey you got—I'm what?
You're just fuckin' ugly
Get the fuck out! Get out! I said get out!
AuteursBradley Cooper,Eric Roth,Will Fetters
Paroles certifiées par nos expertsParoles certifiées par nos experts

Traduction de Scene 98

Paroles en Anglais
Traduction en Français
Scene 98
Scène 98
AuteursBradley Cooper,Eric Roth,Will Fetters
Paroles certifiées par nos expertsParoles certifiées par nos experts