Paroles de Spoon

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\f0\fs30 \cf0 This is when I loose my balance\ This is when I loose all control\
This is when I find a challenge\ A challenge I can call my own\
It's hard to fight a battle\ When all my weapons are so far\
Out of reach and balance\ And I forget who you are\
I think I'm about to fall\ I think I'm about to fall\
I think I'm about to fall\ Deeper and deeper, whoa (deeper and deeper)\
Deeper and deeper, whoa\ Deeper and deeper, whoa\
Deeper and deeper, whoa\ This is where I find my balance\
This is where I gain all control\ Now that I can leave my challenge\
The challenge I don't need no more\ It's hard to fight a battle\
When I've been stretched out way too far\ Out of reach and balance\
Now I regret who you are\ I think I'm about to fall\
I think I'm about to fall\ I think I'm about to fall\
Deeper, deeper\ Deeper and deeper, whoa\
Deeper and deeper, whoa\ Deeper and deeper, whoa\
Deeper and deeper, whoa\ Deeper, deeper.}
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